Wednesday, September 23, 2015



What an absolutely beautiful morning here in the hollar. The Solstice has arrived, and with that , comes change..... The mornings are cooler, and leaves are starting to cover the ground a bit. I am picking peppers and peeked in on a few sweet potatoes which will be pulled In the next couple of days, but after that summer crops will be finished for the season.
The bees are  frantically collecting what pollen and nectar , storing up food stores for the cold winter ahead....
Not to mention the squirrels in a frenzy collecting nuts for the winter , and my dog on a mission to catch one.. ;)
Robb has been diligent in hauling wood and we can all breath a sigh of relief for the time being,, feeling confident in our supply. Its a lovely sight indeed! And of course, we are ever so grateful for him keeping us warm through the winter.

Me? I am delving into something new this winter... Quilting.. I've been sewing for nearly 2 decades and have never attempted a quilt.. I have spent most my years making clothing and its time for a change...
This will be Norah's quilt...I am moving right along on it and it feels good to create something a little different. I am enjoying this, indeed...

Change is good .............


  1. You will love the quilting, I have been doing it for about 4 years and I can't stop!

    1. I am really making some time on this one, its amazing what you can do when you are really excited about a new project. I think you are right, this may be a new passion :)

    2. Obama is hiding a secret that has just came out. This is breaking news and effects you.

  2. Change is GOOD! Love reading your updates amiga! Thanks

    1. Change is good and thank you <3 I haven't sewn in some time,, so if feels really awesome to be back at it and creating something else besides clothing !

  3. I've always wanted to learn to quilt. Can't wait to see what you create!

    1. Erica, this is a quilt as you go method which is really really awesome, as far as I am concerned ;) I should shoot ya a message and tell you about it :)
