Friday, May 24, 2013

A labor of love

yep, its that time of year, where you spin in circles, so busy, and hope that you can just keep everything afloat and running smoothly. I often Joke with my Husband and say " maybe we should just move into a condo." hehe,, of course he looks at me like I am absolutely crazy.:) Not that condos are a bad thing ( trust me, some days I do fantasize) but Its just not "us"....
This time of year has both Robb and I exhausted.  Trying to balance everything and still find peace in it all is tricky...But there are so many moment throughout the day where I exhale,look around, and realize this IS the life I LOVE... this Labor Of love **************

A few ( ok a bunch) of photos over the past month,,... I am picking gallons of strawberries, the bees are bringing in honey, and the garden is really starting to finally take off ( its been a cold wet spring here)
Right now we are still planting, inspecting hives ( and pulling honey soooon) weeding, mulching , composting, harvesting, (almost) canning, and attending the market... Our Off grid system is still where it was last month......such is life... the last peices of the puzzle will be finished up soon, when we have time to exhale. Ohhhh and we ALWAYS make time to go to the Creek behind our house too, no matter how busy ;)

Back gardens really filling in....

                                                                 Herb boxes for the Market
                                                                  My lil peanut helping harvest greens for the Market

                                                                     My husband in Bee yard #1

                                                             until next time

                                                                 The Cools


  1. Just found your blog...your garden looks wonderful! What a great idea making the herb boxes. That would sure go over well in our area.

  2. Hello! Why thank you! Yes our backgardens look pretty good this year.. our front garden and large garden on the other hand.......hehehe...notice there are no pictures yet... such a cold wet spring, a lot of stuff had to come out and get replanted...
    YES , people the the herb boxes,, we use scrap wood to make them, so the investment is minimal :)
